
Our chapter committees focus on various aspects of inspiring wellness in York County.

Food Policy Council

Increase access to healthy foods in communities, businesses, and schools.

  1. Complete a county-wide food inventory to determine availability of healthy food options in York County.
  2. Start conversations to increase support and sustainability of Rock Hill Farmer’s Market, and community gardens.

5-2-1-0 & Advocacy Committees

Promote awareness of and educate on local or state-wide key policy, environment, and/or systems changes that support sustainable healthy eating and active living choices.

    Active Community Environments Committee

    Promote sustainable, active communities.

    1. Investigate and support open use of schools.
    2. Develop a bicycle and pedestrian plan in Clover.
    3. Develop a bicycle and pedestrian plan in York.
    4. Encourage adoption of “Complete Streets” policies.

    Communications Committee

    Educate our constituents on the benefits of and opportunities for healthy eating and active living in York County through our website and social media platforms. Facilitate communication between our chapter, our committees, the public, and the media.