(Dec. 31, 2018) ESMMYC leadership team member, Janet Wojcik, was named co-chair of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) ActivEarth Task Force in June 2018! They focus on the role of active transport, health, and climate. In 2019 the task force will develop a series of webinars and trainings for the general membership. They are also planning a conference on Active Transport and Health with the Transportation Research Board at the National Academies in Washington DC in September 2019.
Meantime, see this full blog published by Professor Wojcik on the ACSM website “in June 2018: “…The World Health Organization advocates that by addressing and investing in active transportation, municipalities can address air quality, climate change, and health equity. Walking, bicycling, and use of public transportation reduce vehicle emissions that add to pollution and ground level ozone while increasing the health of the active transport participants. Planting more trees not only leads to increased neighborhood aesthetics, the increased shade helps lower ambient temperatures for those persons walking and biking to help reduce urban heat island effects. Trees can capture both carbon dioxide and ozone. If municipal leaders emphasize active transport and aesthetic walking and biking routes they will help mitigate some of the effects of climate change, including its effects on air pollution, while promoting physical activity and health equity. As leading experts in sports, exercise, health, medicine, and physical activity, it is important that we collaborate and advocate for active transport as a way to improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change for everyone.” – Janet R. Wojcik, Ph.D., FACSM, ACSM-EP, ACSM/ACS CET, Associate Professor and Program Director, Exercise Science, Winthrop University; Chair, ActivEarth Task Force