New Bike Racks at New School & Int’l Walk to School Day

Sep. 17, 2014 (Tega Cay, SC)

Take a look at these bikes at the new Tega Cay Elementary School (TCES)!bike4

How exciting that so many students can bike and walk from their neighborhoods to TCES! A whopping 272 (37%) of TCES students currently are registered to walk or roll to school. One recent Friday, there were about 50 bikes and scooters lined up against the fence (pre-bike racks).

On September 14, 2014, two brand new bike racks were installed. One 18-bike rack came through the Healthy South Carolina Initiative grant, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through Eat Smart Move More South Carolina. The Healthy Titans (TCES wellness committee)  facilitated this grant through its participation in Eat Smart Move More York County (the local coalition of Eat Smart Move More South Carolina). The smaller bike rack was donated by Banks Trail Middle School which had less demand for it than TCES. bike2

Get Ready for Walk to School Day

The Healthy Titans have the following announcements: Grab your sneakers, scooters, and/or bikes on Friday, October 10, 2014, to join TCES in celebrating International Walk to School Day, involving communities from more than 40 countries. Over time, this event has become part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school and a celebration each October. Thousands of schools participate across America from all 50 states, the D.C. and Puerto Rico, and TCES is proud to join them this year!

Reminders to TCES Families:

  • Car/Bus Riders – Mark your calendars to walk, skip, hop, scooter or bike to school on Friday, October 10, 2014, as part of International Walk to School Day!
  • Bike Riders – For safety, walk your bike across the crosswalks and on the school sidewalk.

Car Drivers – Please turn off the motor when in car line and not moving.  Young lungs are at work!

For more information on the Healthy Titans (the TCES health and wellness committee) or international walk to school day, contact parent volunteers, Elizabeth Duda or Shannan Purser.