Rules of the Road for Motorists

Bike Rock Hill is an awareness campaign coordinated by Eat Smart Move More York County, the Rock Hill Bicycle Club, and the City of Rock Hill.

The goals of the campaign are to raise awareness for the “Rules of the Road” for motorists and cyclists, to promote family friendly places to ride, and to offer bike events such as safety rodeos and commuter clinics.

Rules of the Road for Motorists:

(adapted from SC Bicycle Laws, Article 27)

Bicycles are vehicles and should be treated as such on roadways.

It is illegal to harass, taunt, or throw objects at or in the direction of any person on a bicycle.

Maintain a safe distance between your vehicle and a bicycle.

Do not block a bicycle lane.

Motorists must yield to a bicyclist in the bicycle lane before entering or crossing the lane.

Passing a bicyclist is like passing a car. Check for oncoming traffic.

Do not pass bicyclists if you will be making an immediate right turn.

When the lane is too narrow for cars and bikes, a bicyclist may ride in or near the center of the lane.

Reduce your speed when passing bicyclists, especially if the roadway is narrow.

When parking on the street, check for a bicyclist before opening your car door.

Share the lane with bicyclists when a shared lane pavement marking (sharrow) is placed on the roadway. Sharrows are usually in areas that aren’t quite wide enough for bike lanes but are good streets for biking.

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