by Elizabeth W. Duda
York County (Jun. 15, 2019) The Bike/Ped Coalition of York County wants residents to know how to support pedestrian/bicycle projects. Plans and policies already exist that support York County and its communities becoming more bicycle and pedestrian friendly! But to get them implemented, the public needs to vocalize our support. Government planners prioritize work based on city/town/county council feedback – so councils need to hear from residents we want this work prioritized. What are these projects? York County and Rock Hill projects are below.
York County Comprehensive Plan Attainable Bike/Ped Projects: These projects in the York County Forward 2025 Comprehensive Plan are ready for us to tell the York County Council that we want done:
- Require pedestrian facilities to be constructed in industrial developments and along existing or proposed arterial and collector road frontage for all developments. (Action type – Development Regulations; no funding required)
- Establish design standard details and definitions for pedestrian and bicycle facilities for use by developers. (Action type – Development Regulations; no funding required)
- Develop and adopt a County-wide bicycle and pedestrian master plan to improve the feasibility of walking and cycling to local destinations and increase opportunities for physical activity. (Action type – Study/Plan; funding may be required)
- Incorporate municipal and RFATS bicycle and pedestrian master plans into County Bike/Ped Plan. (Action type – Study/Plan; no funding required)
- Survey locations and conditions of existing facilities and identify where maintenance and new facilities are needed, with an emphasis on facilities in the urbanized Area (Bike/Ped). (Action type – Study/Plan; funding required)
- Identify underserved areas of the county (Quality of access to recreation/open space) and encourage partnerships/agreements between the School Districts and municipal/nonprofit agencies to provide recreation opportunities that will promote physical activity. (Action type – Coordination/Study/Plan/Grant; funding required)
- Establish a funding mechanism for open space conservation and programming.
- Build partnerships with other municipalities, agencies and non-profit organizations to provide funding by utilizing the recreation tax.
- Continue to pursue multi-pronged open space grant funding opportunities.
- Promote the planning and construction of a connected trail network of open space properties throughout York County. (Action type – Study/Plan/Public Outreach; funding required)
- Implement the Carolina Thread Trail Master Plan through coordination with municipal partners and facilitate initiatives that will support Carolina Thread Trail dedication, acquisition, and purchase of trail and greenway easements. (Action type – Coordination/Grant; funding required)
- Continue to support the Nation Ford Greenway effort. (Action type – Coordination; no funding required)
- Explore possible rails to trails network connection opportunities. (Action type – Coordination; funding required)
- Continue to implement and expand the bicycle-pedestrian plan. (Action type – Study/Plan; funding required)
- Encourage developers to create and provide public access to open space areas to include parks, greenways and trails. (Action type – Coordination/Development/Regulations; no funding required)
And the City of Rock Hill list projects in “Connect Rock Hill” that include low-cost safety improvements. You can tell the Rock Hill Planning Commission that you want those projects to be prioritized.
Contact your local planning commission or county, town or city council today to let them know that you want these projects prioritized, to make our communities safer for pedestrians, bicyclists and rollers.
About the Bike/Ped Coalition of York County (@BPCYC)
- Vision – An engaged York County where bicycling and walking are safe, accessible and preferred forms of transportation and recreation
- Mission – To support York County and its communities becoming more bicycle and pedestrian friendly
- Strategy – Educate, advocate, and promote the health, economic, environmental and social benefits of bicycling and walking
- Purpose –
- Share, generate and validate ideas and information amongst local governments, government entities and organizations on efforts, successes and challenges related to York County communities becoming more bicycle and pedestrian friendly.
- Equip York County residents with information to advocate for safer, accessible bicycling, walking and running.
- Engage decisionmakers and community members throughout York County on the health, economic, environmental and social benefits of bicycling and walking.