Oakridge Middle School Gets Important Recognition from SC Safe Routes to School

Clover, SC (May 8, 2017) Oakridge Middle School is the first school in York County, and the third in South Carolina, to reach the “platinum partnership level” with South Carolina Safe Routes to School!  Congratulations the Home of the Eagles and the Clover School District. An OMS student compiled this YouTube video explaining the importance of the school’s travel plan.

Benefits of working with SC Safe Routes to School to develop a travel plan include:

  • Community: Walking and biking to school with friends and family is fun and can create social experiences for the entire neighborhood!
  • Health: Students who walk and bike to school are more likely to reach the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity they need everyday to become healthier overall.
  • Safety: School-based walking and biking programs can address barriers to physical activity by calming traffic around schools and improving safety features, while raising safety awareness.
  • Environment: Increasing the number of students who arrive to school on foot and by bicycle can improve air quality around a school.

For more information on SC Safe Routes to School, contact Andrea Kelsey, MPH, Upstate Coordinator, at andrea@scsaferoutes.org or see the website at www.scsaferoutes.org.