I would like to congratulate York County and its municipalities, including Rock Hill, Fort Mill and Tega Cay! Effective January 11, 2016, the York County area that was designated nonattainment (as part of the greater Charlotte, NC metropolitan area) for the 2008 ozone standard has been redesignated to attainment. This means that, for the first time since 2004, the entire state of South Carolina is once again attaining all of EPA’s health-based national ambient air quality standards.
This milestone has been achieved through engagement and effort at the Federal, State, and local levels. The Catawba Regional Air Quality Coalition has remained actively involved in air quality regulation through commenting on proposed rules and actions. The region has protected and promoted healthy air quality through efforts such as undertaking projects to relieve traffic congestion, collaborating across state lines on a regional freight study, establishing bike routes, and participating in a school-based anti-idling program called “Breathe Better.”
If you are not currently participating in an air quality coalition and are interested in doing so, contact Jack Porter at porterje@dhec.sc.gov or at (803) 898-3829 for more information
For further information on reducing air pollution, visit